Hello people . haha . biseng bdh kau mamat !
hahahaha . cb krg holiday aku maseh skola . tga exam agi .
fuck . bye !
hahahaha . cb krg holiday aku maseh skola . tga exam agi .
fuck . bye !
- Monday, May 31, 2010 @ 9:41 PM
Hello people . haha . biseng bdh kau mamat !
hahahaha . cb krg holiday aku maseh skola . tga exam agi . fuck . bye ! |
Chalett - Sunday, May 30, 2010 @ 8:57 PM
Helloo Hellooo Helloooo
Nk Kopi Ke nk Milo?:D -Cepedd SotDott Hahahas . Achik here again . Siaal pehh kid tatawu nk update . Besar kn taik mata dgn perott uhs tu babi ! Haha (: Its 12:03 nw . and i've just woke up :D Hahahas ! Nheq bangon pn psl , nnti kne angkt2 barang go chalet (: Ohh , yah btw , I'll Nt be updateing for a week , will be at the chalet . Pasir Ris tk salah uhs . Hahaha . Wahhhh , Bnyk perh benda nk kne bt !
Dh luhs , Nk go makan ! Stress ! Urghhhh ! Byeeee people/manusia . |
- Friday, May 28, 2010 @ 1:06 PM
HELLOOOO Buto/Puki !(: Achik here . Its 4.09 am now . & i'm still awake (: Kidd babi cnfm dh tido cam babi ! Cepedd hari2 tido , mata sentiasa tutup (: Eeka , cnfm tngh seleleh punya . & Achik is Still Awake (: Okayy i'm currently at woodland . cuzzy hse . When to watch Prince Of Persia Sand Of Time . GEREKAROOOOOOO !(: Cool Gila Shyt mother fucker ! Hahahas . Must Watch seyh ppl ! *If Only I had Tht Dagger Of Time * Hahha . BTW , *GoodByee sch , Will Be Bck aite ?:D && WELCOMEEEEEEEEEE HOLIDAYY ! Dont Gooo ! Stayy ! Stay As longgg As you Want (: Hahahas (: Okayy ppl , i'm getting sleepyy . Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee BUTO/PUKI . *ZZZ*
Result . - Monday, May 24, 2010 @ 2:02 AM
Hello People !
Achik here . *Happy ! happy ! hati ku happy kenyang-kenyang perot ku kenyang * People nk tahu asl Achik happy tk ?. Psl ... Achik Pass 6 Subjectt Straight siol ! Fuhhhhhhlamakkkk ! Ahmahciam ? Tk Pakai Pahs ! HAHAHA !(: Punya luhs happy tdi ! Satu Class Gueh Kasih Tahu . hahahas ! Jgn Pandang Rendah AchikDotDot Okayy ?! Yg Paling sedih nyr , Bdk pmpn Nheq yg Achik Copy Science paper dhe FAIL , Achik Pass ! Dhe pehh Sott ngn Achik . Hahahas !(: Btw , Holiday's comeing . Maybe be leaving Singapore By the end of the 2nd Week . Gng Jakarta agn . ): This time , Sry no Souveniors . Gng there nt for Holidayy . Bt For Some Special Reason's . Okayy ppl . Gng Off to Bedd in ... 5 4 3 2 1 *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* Byeee People . |
- Friday, May 21, 2010 @ 9:32 PM
*Look Up * Takiya Genji (: Tk pakai pahs ? Helloooooooooooo ppl !(: Achik here . Wahhhhhh , Sibeiii Sleepy lehhhhhhh ! Yesterday ton wit kidd . Mcm Bdh , tunggu Send Habis Abh Tk dpt main . zzzzzzzz =.= Wahhhhhhh , Mendak lehhhhh ! Does anyone Have any fun Movie to watch ? Just tag me if you have (: Okayy , just finish watching KL drift II . Gerekaroooooooooooo (: 'Brani bt , Brani Tanggung . Siapa Kencing gua Pancut ' Sabar2 adr lagyk . 'Wahh punya Pangking , Wa Bikin lu , Potong , Kasi Lu , dgn lu punya Budak2 ' Alurhhhhmakkkkk ! Tk pakai perh siol ?. Hahahahas !(: Kkae , I wan Go bathhhh . Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee People ! Btw , I HATE JAPANESE PPL ALOTTTTTTTTTT ! Tk pakai siol ! Labels: Japanese tk Cebokkkk . |
The wait is Over & I Need Some Sleeeep ! - Wednesday, May 19, 2010 @ 8:42 PM
Wasabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi !(: Helloooo Manusia Bdh ! Achik here . Youuu Ppl Want to Know sme thing ?. MY EXAMMMM IS OVERR ! The Wait is Over & I Need Sme Sleeeeeep !(: Hahahas !(: I dont knw whts got in to me this dayyy . 24/7 Hyperrr . hahahas ! Nononono !! I dont take drugs . just Like he said . "Dont take Druggs , It is not good enuff for ur bodyy " -AchikDotDot. Ie admire him alot * kening 1 side up , 1 side down * hahahas ! Just now Was Science . Half of the paper dpt copyy beb ! Cnfm 101 % pass . Klau tk pass , cikgu tu bdhh ! *look down * Nheq tulis Composition ehhhh ?. Klau tulis Composition mcm nheq . Cnfm fail punya , Sikit sngt . Lain kali , nk tulis , tulis panjang2 . klau bleh smpi terkluar dri monitor skali . atau tulis pt FOOLscap paper abh tampal pt monitor . Hahahahahas ! Achaa : Whr gt broke ppl heart ! Wo nonono anithing lehhh . Dhe tuu dhe dri drama club . So dhe suka bt Drama (: *Pandai aku cover up kn bontot aku ehh * Kiddd : Aku tk ajak kau kluar ?. Skrgg Jgak kau isap juboh akuu ! Aku Blg kau ferst sia this friday kluar ! Juboooooboooo ! Cepedd : Wahhhhhhh kauuuu , Ohhhhh bila pt kau 24/7 tngk tetek sophia bleh luhh ehhh ! Dee : Wo busyyy lehhh , then youu sick aso . Okayy Manusia bdh 's ! Exam dh bis , Tido baru start ! Jgn luperhh smua , siapa lupa tido luar niari . Okayy , aku tatawu apr aku bbl , psl mata aku ngah ttp skrg . Byeeeee Manusia bdh's . Kid bodoh's pn byeee . Mlm you call ie kaee ?. |
- Tuesday, May 18, 2010 @ 10:31 PM
hey daily readers for AchikDotDot * waving + smile wide wide * ^^, oh yea . Im BabyPuteriy Sweets; Amira here .
Im updating for my one less lonely boy blog for now . Time check in at 1.36pm . So yea , it was just a random . Out of blue , wanted to update for eachother post . I cant deny , howh much I miss him . He was the one , who used to cheer me up & crave a wide smile on my face . Things went on so smoothly , till one day , we're not that close as before . I miss him , eventhough we're distance away . I never forget howh we first knew eachother or the first time we met . He was all I ever wanted , till one day , he broke my heart into pieces . hais , but im still strong to move on . For now , we're just being close , but not like before . Both of us , were so damn busy with our individuals stuffs . It been since a long time , I heard his voice . Hais , with his irrits . Hahaha ! So yea , Im currently chatting with him . Im sorry , I couldnt managed to make it on Friday as Im working . Maybe , next tyme kays , ? (: Tomorrow , will be his last paper , and I wanted to wish him good luck , do well iye ? * smile wide wide & hugs hugs* . Eventhough , Im not close to you , like before , remember there's a little space for you in my mind . I think of him sometimes . Hoping , we 'll be meeting eachother soon . I cant wait , People used to say , Im with him , was like in a relationship , we're not . We're just damn close . That's all . His my onelesslonelyboy & I am his onelesslonelygirl . I remembered , how much I miss him , when His not around, was out from singapore and went to Jakarta . I miss him truckloads at that moment . When he return , I remembered that he called me and we met the next day . It was all memories , which I cant forget . Hey ! You know what , You;re the best person , I ever met . I miss you so much . Thats' all I can say . Meet up soon , kays love ? Takecare , whenever you are . Much loves ; BabyPuteriySweets; Amira. |
- @ 10:26 PM
hey hey ! (: Im BabyPuteriySweets; Amira right here :D , So yea, Im updating for my one less lonely boy .
Now time check in at 1.27pm . Its been since a long time , I didnt meet him up ): Hais , missing him so much . So yea , would like to apologized to him , for not going out with him this Friday . Im sorry , im working luh . Maybe next tyme kays , ? (: When Im free , alright ? So yea , I miss his irrits & also his sweet smile . Hais , We'll be meeting up real soon kays , ? Time will tell (: So yea , He's at woodlands now , but I didnt managed to meet him . I wanna wish him , Goodluck for his last paper tomorrow (: All the best , kays ? Let me tell you this , " Yes , even though im with him , still there's a little space for you to be reminded by me . I do miss you " |
- Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ 11:28 PM
Hellooo Hellooo Hellooooo !(:
Buka Sluar Nmpk Telur ! Hahahas ! Achik here . Happy Happy * Saket da kurang ! Yeahhhhhh ! Did my Exam just now ! English Paper 2 Rasa2 bleh pass uhs . *Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ^^ PukiMak CCB Pehh Org Kt Atas nheq ! Memekak siaal ! Dhe pikir dhe Sorang perhh Tinggal pt sini ! Musibat agong ! Mcm nk Naek atas Maki drg jekk ! Kkae dh Fanatic jap tdi ^.^ Hahas (: Havent been Meeting Kid For Almost a week ): Cnfm dhe tuhh ngah merajok taw . Hahahas ! Kidddddddddddddddd , Sooo Gayyyy ! hahahas !(: Kkae i wn Go watch Crow Zero . Dgr2 mcm gerekaroooo jekk ! hahahas ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Peopleeeeeeeee (: Labels: Kiddd Sooooo Gayyyyy . |
- Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 12:08 AM
* Look up * PatricKID . Wasaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbi ! Achik here . Just came bck from sch . Peyhh Penat . Saket Plak tuuuhhh . Btw "Paisehh kidddddddd ! Tertido uhs . Lain kali aku kasih kau paitao aku ?. kaee ?. " Okayy , thts for kiddd (: Tday in sch , Sleep , Drink water , Sleep . Hahahas ! Da Sakett nk bt perh (: Hahas ! Todayyy no Plan lehhh . Maybee gng Woodland Study (: HAHAHAHAHAHAS ! No seriously =.- . "Yesh ?. Whts tht ?. Sleep ?. " Okayyy , Bantal gue sdah panggil beyhhh ! Sleep Fast or KID will call me . HAHAHAHAS ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Cb Face . Labels: Gue mcm siaak . Love youu KID . |
- Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 7:53 AM
kiddddddy here. wildan kau mcm sial !!!!!!!!!! PAITAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NUMBER ONE AHHHH LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!!!!!!!! zzzzz siak kau . takpe takpe . nty hari laen aku paitao kau plak . muahaha . dh laa bye paitao kia !!!!!!!! msg kau pn tk reply !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! paitaoooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE paitao KIA !!!!!!!!!!! and btw imiss my old hair :( |
- Monday, May 10, 2010 @ 9:27 PM
Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap !(: Achik here . Didnt went to Sch today -.- Sick luhs ccb ! Hahahahas . Currently watching IP Man 2 . Mcm goood good jek . hahas . Tdi pt Poly Doctor pehh mcm siaal ! Kasih mc 1 hari . Pantart dhe berpunat btol . Bila tk saket , kasih 2 hari . bila btol2 sakit , 1 hari . siaak uhs . Kkae will be updating agn later , wn continue watch IP MAN 2 . Labels: Sick Just sucks . |
- @ 1:38 AM
Asaaaalamualaikum babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Achik here . Currently chating with Anisya LEE my Long Lost Cousinnnnn & Otf-ing Wit Dee ! WOWWWWW ! Misss mereka mannnnnnnnnnnnn !(: *look around * Ahmahciam ?. Okay tk Blogskin ?. Lee yg tolong edit kn . Thank youhhh LEEE ! *Urghhhh* I'm sick ! Wont be gng to sch tmrw . nk go Poly ! Miss Poly -.- Wann go sleep uhs ! Okayyy , dh mls uhs nk tok tok . Okayyyy byeeeeeeeeee . Take the care . So long Asshole faceman ! Labels: Sleeping . |
- Monday, May 31, 2010 @ 9:41 PM
Hello people . haha . biseng bdh kau mamat !
hahahaha . cb krg holiday aku maseh skola . tga exam agi . fuck . bye ! |
Chalett - Sunday, May 30, 2010 @ 8:57 PM
Helloo Hellooo Helloooo
Nk Kopi Ke nk Milo?:D -Cepedd SotDott Hahahas . Achik here again . Siaal pehh kid tatawu nk update . Besar kn taik mata dgn perott uhs tu babi ! Haha (: Its 12:03 nw . and i've just woke up :D Hahahas ! Nheq bangon pn psl , nnti kne angkt2 barang go chalet (: Ohh , yah btw , I'll Nt be updateing for a week , will be at the chalet . Pasir Ris tk salah uhs . Hahaha . Wahhhh , Bnyk perh benda nk kne bt !
Dh luhs , Nk go makan ! Stress ! Urghhhh ! Byeeee people/manusia . |
- Friday, May 28, 2010 @ 1:06 PM
HELLOOOO Buto/Puki !(: Achik here . Its 4.09 am now . & i'm still awake (: Kidd babi cnfm dh tido cam babi ! Cepedd hari2 tido , mata sentiasa tutup (: Eeka , cnfm tngh seleleh punya . & Achik is Still Awake (: Okayy i'm currently at woodland . cuzzy hse . When to watch Prince Of Persia Sand Of Time . GEREKAROOOOOOO !(: Cool Gila Shyt mother fucker ! Hahahas . Must Watch seyh ppl ! *If Only I had Tht Dagger Of Time * Hahha . BTW , *GoodByee sch , Will Be Bck aite ?:D && WELCOMEEEEEEEEEE HOLIDAYY ! Dont Gooo ! Stayy ! Stay As longgg As you Want (: Hahahas (: Okayy ppl , i'm getting sleepyy . Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee BUTO/PUKI . *ZZZ*
Result . - Monday, May 24, 2010 @ 2:02 AM
Hello People !
Achik here . *Happy ! happy ! hati ku happy kenyang-kenyang perot ku kenyang * People nk tahu asl Achik happy tk ?. Psl ... Achik Pass 6 Subjectt Straight siol ! Fuhhhhhhlamakkkk ! Ahmahciam ? Tk Pakai Pahs ! HAHAHA !(: Punya luhs happy tdi ! Satu Class Gueh Kasih Tahu . hahahas ! Jgn Pandang Rendah AchikDotDot Okayy ?! Yg Paling sedih nyr , Bdk pmpn Nheq yg Achik Copy Science paper dhe FAIL , Achik Pass ! Dhe pehh Sott ngn Achik . Hahahas !(: Btw , Holiday's comeing . Maybe be leaving Singapore By the end of the 2nd Week . Gng Jakarta agn . ): This time , Sry no Souveniors . Gng there nt for Holidayy . Bt For Some Special Reason's . Okayy ppl . Gng Off to Bedd in ... 5 4 3 2 1 *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* Byeee People . |
- Friday, May 21, 2010 @ 9:32 PM
*Look Up * Takiya Genji (: Tk pakai pahs ? Helloooooooooooo ppl !(: Achik here . Wahhhhhh , Sibeiii Sleepy lehhhhhhh ! Yesterday ton wit kidd . Mcm Bdh , tunggu Send Habis Abh Tk dpt main . zzzzzzzz =.= Wahhhhhhh , Mendak lehhhhh ! Does anyone Have any fun Movie to watch ? Just tag me if you have (: Okayy , just finish watching KL drift II . Gerekaroooooooooooo (: 'Brani bt , Brani Tanggung . Siapa Kencing gua Pancut ' Sabar2 adr lagyk . 'Wahh punya Pangking , Wa Bikin lu , Potong , Kasi Lu , dgn lu punya Budak2 ' Alurhhhhmakkkkk ! Tk pakai perh siol ?. Hahahahas !(: Kkae , I wan Go bathhhh . Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee People ! Btw , I HATE JAPANESE PPL ALOTTTTTTTTTT ! Tk pakai siol ! Labels: Japanese tk Cebokkkk . |
The wait is Over & I Need Some Sleeeep ! - Wednesday, May 19, 2010 @ 8:42 PM
Wasabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi !(: Helloooo Manusia Bdh ! Achik here . Youuu Ppl Want to Know sme thing ?. MY EXAMMMM IS OVERR ! The Wait is Over & I Need Sme Sleeeeeep !(: Hahahas !(: I dont knw whts got in to me this dayyy . 24/7 Hyperrr . hahahas ! Nononono !! I dont take drugs . just Like he said . "Dont take Druggs , It is not good enuff for ur bodyy " -AchikDotDot. Ie admire him alot * kening 1 side up , 1 side down * hahahas ! Just now Was Science . Half of the paper dpt copyy beb ! Cnfm 101 % pass . Klau tk pass , cikgu tu bdhh ! *look down * Nheq tulis Composition ehhhh ?. Klau tulis Composition mcm nheq . Cnfm fail punya , Sikit sngt . Lain kali , nk tulis , tulis panjang2 . klau bleh smpi terkluar dri monitor skali . atau tulis pt FOOLscap paper abh tampal pt monitor . Hahahahahas ! Achaa : Whr gt broke ppl heart ! Wo nonono anithing lehhh . Dhe tuu dhe dri drama club . So dhe suka bt Drama (: *Pandai aku cover up kn bontot aku ehh * Kiddd : Aku tk ajak kau kluar ?. Skrgg Jgak kau isap juboh akuu ! Aku Blg kau ferst sia this friday kluar ! Juboooooboooo ! Cepedd : Wahhhhhhh kauuuu , Ohhhhh bila pt kau 24/7 tngk tetek sophia bleh luhh ehhh ! Dee : Wo busyyy lehhh , then youu sick aso . Okayy Manusia bdh 's ! Exam dh bis , Tido baru start ! Jgn luperhh smua , siapa lupa tido luar niari . Okayy , aku tatawu apr aku bbl , psl mata aku ngah ttp skrg . Byeeeee Manusia bdh's . Kid bodoh's pn byeee . Mlm you call ie kaee ?. |
- Tuesday, May 18, 2010 @ 10:31 PM
hey daily readers for AchikDotDot * waving + smile wide wide * ^^, oh yea . Im BabyPuteriy Sweets; Amira here .
Im updating for my one less lonely boy blog for now . Time check in at 1.36pm . So yea , it was just a random . Out of blue , wanted to update for eachother post . I cant deny , howh much I miss him . He was the one , who used to cheer me up & crave a wide smile on my face . Things went on so smoothly , till one day , we're not that close as before . I miss him , eventhough we're distance away . I never forget howh we first knew eachother or the first time we met . He was all I ever wanted , till one day , he broke my heart into pieces . hais , but im still strong to move on . For now , we're just being close , but not like before . Both of us , were so damn busy with our individuals stuffs . It been since a long time , I heard his voice . Hais , with his irrits . Hahaha ! So yea , Im currently chatting with him . Im sorry , I couldnt managed to make it on Friday as Im working . Maybe , next tyme kays , ? (: Tomorrow , will be his last paper , and I wanted to wish him good luck , do well iye ? * smile wide wide & hugs hugs* . Eventhough , Im not close to you , like before , remember there's a little space for you in my mind . I think of him sometimes . Hoping , we 'll be meeting eachother soon . I cant wait , People used to say , Im with him , was like in a relationship , we're not . We're just damn close . That's all . His my onelesslonelyboy & I am his onelesslonelygirl . I remembered , how much I miss him , when His not around, was out from singapore and went to Jakarta . I miss him truckloads at that moment . When he return , I remembered that he called me and we met the next day . It was all memories , which I cant forget . Hey ! You know what , You;re the best person , I ever met . I miss you so much . Thats' all I can say . Meet up soon , kays love ? Takecare , whenever you are . Much loves ; BabyPuteriySweets; Amira. |
- @ 10:26 PM
hey hey ! (: Im BabyPuteriySweets; Amira right here :D , So yea, Im updating for my one less lonely boy .
Now time check in at 1.27pm . Its been since a long time , I didnt meet him up ): Hais , missing him so much . So yea , would like to apologized to him , for not going out with him this Friday . Im sorry , im working luh . Maybe next tyme kays , ? (: When Im free , alright ? So yea , I miss his irrits & also his sweet smile . Hais , We'll be meeting up real soon kays , ? Time will tell (: So yea , He's at woodlands now , but I didnt managed to meet him . I wanna wish him , Goodluck for his last paper tomorrow (: All the best , kays ? Let me tell you this , " Yes , even though im with him , still there's a little space for you to be reminded by me . I do miss you " |
- Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ 11:28 PM
Hellooo Hellooo Hellooooo !(:
Buka Sluar Nmpk Telur ! Hahahas ! Achik here . Happy Happy * Saket da kurang ! Yeahhhhhh ! Did my Exam just now ! English Paper 2 Rasa2 bleh pass uhs . *Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ^^ PukiMak CCB Pehh Org Kt Atas nheq ! Memekak siaal ! Dhe pikir dhe Sorang perhh Tinggal pt sini ! Musibat agong ! Mcm nk Naek atas Maki drg jekk ! Kkae dh Fanatic jap tdi ^.^ Hahas (: Havent been Meeting Kid For Almost a week ): Cnfm dhe tuhh ngah merajok taw . Hahahas ! Kidddddddddddddddd , Sooo Gayyyy ! hahahas !(: Kkae i wn Go watch Crow Zero . Dgr2 mcm gerekaroooo jekk ! hahahas ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Peopleeeeeeeee (: Labels: Kiddd Sooooo Gayyyyy . |
- Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 12:08 AM
* Look up * PatricKID . Wasaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbi ! Achik here . Just came bck from sch . Peyhh Penat . Saket Plak tuuuhhh . Btw "Paisehh kidddddddd ! Tertido uhs . Lain kali aku kasih kau paitao aku ?. kaee ?. " Okayy , thts for kiddd (: Tday in sch , Sleep , Drink water , Sleep . Hahahas ! Da Sakett nk bt perh (: Hahas ! Todayyy no Plan lehhh . Maybee gng Woodland Study (: HAHAHAHAHAHAS ! No seriously =.- . "Yesh ?. Whts tht ?. Sleep ?. " Okayyy , Bantal gue sdah panggil beyhhh ! Sleep Fast or KID will call me . HAHAHAHAS ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Cb Face . Labels: Gue mcm siaak . Love youu KID . |
- Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 7:53 AM
kiddddddy here. wildan kau mcm sial !!!!!!!!!! PAITAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NUMBER ONE AHHHH LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!!!!!!!! zzzzz siak kau . takpe takpe . nty hari laen aku paitao kau plak . muahaha . dh laa bye paitao kia !!!!!!!! msg kau pn tk reply !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! paitaoooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE paitao KIA !!!!!!!!!!! and btw imiss my old hair :( |
- Monday, May 10, 2010 @ 9:27 PM
Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap !(: Achik here . Didnt went to Sch today -.- Sick luhs ccb ! Hahahahas . Currently watching IP Man 2 . Mcm goood good jek . hahas . Tdi pt Poly Doctor pehh mcm siaal ! Kasih mc 1 hari . Pantart dhe berpunat btol . Bila tk saket , kasih 2 hari . bila btol2 sakit , 1 hari . siaak uhs . Kkae will be updating agn later , wn continue watch IP MAN 2 . Labels: Sick Just sucks . |
- @ 1:38 AM
Asaaaalamualaikum babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Achik here . Currently chating with Anisya LEE my Long Lost Cousinnnnn & Otf-ing Wit Dee ! WOWWWWW ! Misss mereka mannnnnnnnnnnnn !(: *look around * Ahmahciam ?. Okay tk Blogskin ?. Lee yg tolong edit kn . Thank youhhh LEEE ! *Urghhhh* I'm sick ! Wont be gng to sch tmrw . nk go Poly ! Miss Poly -.- Wann go sleep uhs ! Okayyy , dh mls uhs nk tok tok . Okayyyy byeeeeeeeeee . Take the care . So long Asshole faceman ! Labels: Sleeping . |